VGer - Thunder Storm

A figure sits alone in his office, his face shrouded by darkness.  The man opens the drawer to his desk and takes out a cancer stick.  As he lights it, the phone rings.  A deep male voice is heard over the line saying, "Operation Shadow has failed."  Cancer man sighs as a frown appears on his face, he then responds, "Operation Thunderstorm is a go."  Deep Throat responds with a "yes sir!", but Cancer Man places the phone in it's rest before the message gets through.  The dark figure stares at the American flag in his office, he then rises his arm and gives it a soldiers salute.  

Within a huge cavern thousands of creatures amass, all of them of different size and colors.  All of their attention fixated on the creature in front of them.  The creature speaks in a tongue that a human could never understand.  the audience hears, "They have trespassed onto our home, and stolen our brethren from us.  We must show the Four Limbs that such a thing can't go unpunished.  Move fourth my children, teach the four limbs never to enter into our domain."  The creatures growl and begin to disappear into balls of energy.

(To read more of the story find and open vger_readme.txt, Blah limitations! >:( )

Map by VGer3781
Special thanks to MassAsster  

Changes by Adambean for SC 4.7:

* Added sprite explaining how to activate the defence turrets, because players are still terrible at working it out after 10 years