* * * * * * sc_royals1 (updated 27.10.2013) * * * * * *

Author LemonSoda (lemonsoda1@hotmail.com)

* * * * * *

You arrive in Egypt. Captain of the local army makes radio contact with you. 
His men don't want to get involved because of the rumour of a curse and you will have to help him...

"Hello group! We have had some problems and would want you to sort them out for us. Barney insisted on coming and is here to help you out. He's brought some equipment. Thank you again for volunteering. Good Luck!"

There is also another army in the area. They have build up a base to a place where they found one of the buttons. They are trying to solve the secret of these buttons and don't like you sniffing around, so be careful. They are getting heavy attacks from Pharaoh's followers. It might help you a little bit.

* * * * * *


Find four buttons to gain access to The Pyramid.
Kill The Pharaoh before his power spreads all over the world.


- After pressing each pyramidbutton you should see a short video of a triangle getting to its place above the gate at the respawn. You can see the team's progress from those triangles. They are in the same order than the buttons that must be found, beginning from the left.

- Check houses, rooms and hallways for those buttons. They are purple triangles, just like the ones above the gate.

* * * * * *

Thanks to:

- SvenCoop team for the amazing mod
- General music: Tabuk by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)   
- End music in map 4: Truth of the Legend by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- Afrikakorps texture credits: Blazeeer, Cayle George, Daniel Luka
- Beta testers: CrouchSoft, Rngatdzs, Robootto, Sven Co-op beta testers